Das Swift Level Assessment von Onolingo (OSLA) prüft Ihre Englischkenntnisse, damit Sie den richtigen Kurs für Ihr Sprachniveau wählen können. Es gibt insgesamt 80 Fragen. Sie haben höchstens 30 Minuten Zeit, um den Test zu bearbeiten, aber Sie können auch schneller fertig sein.

Lesen Sie jede Frage sorgfältig durch und wählen Sie dann die beste Antwort aus den 3 oder 4 Möglichkeiten. Wenn Sie sich unsicher fühlen, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Das ist ganz normal.

Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Antwort auswählen, geht der Test automatisch zur nächsten Frage über. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Sie einen Fehler gemacht haben, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, es gibt genügend Fragen, so dass der Test Ihnen immer noch ein genaues Ergebnis liefern kann.

BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Bevor Sie mit dem Test beginnen, suchen Sie sich einen ruhigen Ort mit einer starken Internetverbindung, an dem Sie nicht gestört werden.

Beantworten Sie so viele Fragen, wie Sie können, auch wenn Sie die richtige Antwort nicht wissen. Sie können den Test jederzeit abbrechen, aber je mehr Fragen Sie beantworten, desto genauer wird Ihr Ergebnis sein.

Am Ende des Tests werden Sie aufgefordert, Ihren Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anzugeben, damit Sie Ihre Ergebnisse erhalten können. Wie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung angegeben, wird Onolingo Ihre Daten niemals verkaufen oder Ihnen unerwünschte E-Mails schicken.

1 / 80

I have two hobbies: tennis and photography. What _______________ your hobbies?

2 / 80

I like chocolate, and you? _______________ chocolate, too?

3 / 80

My sister lives in Chicago. _______________ likes it there.

4 / 80

Is something wrong? _______________ are you crying?

5 / 80

Passport control officer: So, everything is in order. You may go straight to _______________. Enjoy your stay.

Airline passenger: Thank you.

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, here is your credit card back. You're all checked in. Would you like a wake up call?

Hotel guest: Oh, ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: What can I bring you?

Customer: Hmm, ______________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is the railway station this way?

Person in street: Oh, ______________________________.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Spencer: Hi Thorsten, how are you?

Thorsten: _________________________

11 / 80

Person at airport: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a good flight!

Other person at airport: Yes, _________________________. I wish you a good flight, as well.

12 / 80

It was very cold this morning, so Uncle Albert _______________ his winter jacket.

13 / 80

Have you ever _______________ the Grand Canyon?

14 / 80

Apart from one song by Kenny G., Vincent hates soft jazz.

15 / 80

Rita stopped eating meat when she was a teenager. Now, the only time she eats meat is at Christmas dinner.

16 / 80

I'm an engineer. I work _______________ Siemens.

17 / 80

Angelina: I've heard this song before, but do you know who wrote it?

Mason: I think the song is _______________ Bob Dylan.

18 / 80

Maybel: That's a lovely jacket, June.

June: Thanks. I got it _______________ my birthday.

19 / 80

Julie: What have you got there?

Mary: Oh, it's a postcard _______________ my brother.

20 / 80

Gerry: I heard you went to the theatre yesterday. How was it?

Thad: The play was great, but our babysitter arrived 30 minutes late, which meant we had to drive very fast. Fortunately, we arrived just _______________ time.

21 / 80

Madison: Do you have a favorite author?

Germain: Not anymore, but when I was younger I was a real fan _______________ Steinbeck.

22 / 80

Doug: Have you seen my keys, Adam?

Adam: Aren't they __________ the table?

23 / 80

Gundreda: Do you want to come outside and watch the sunset?

Humfrey: Thanks for the offer, but I ____________________ this programme and it's really interesting.

24 / 80

What time _______________ up this morning?

25 / 80

Rose: Are you going to Samuel and Jennifer's wedding next month?

Ada: Oh, are they were getting married? I guess they _______________ me.

26 / 80

Matilda: Last year you went to Vancouver, didn't you? Where do you plan to spend your holidays this year?

Sabina: That was a great trip last year, but we don't know where we ____________________ this year.

27 / 80

I could really use your help tomorrow afternoon, if _________________________ anything.

28 / 80

I think that by the year 2050, most of the world's people _______________ English.

29 / 80

I'm sorry _______________ you.

30 / 80

Do you fancy _______________ for some ice cream after dinner?

31 / 80

Last week, my cousin applied _______________ a job, but he didn't get it.

32 / 80

We will go sailing on Saturday ______________________________

33 / 80

I would be much happier, if I ______________________________

34 / 80

If I ___________________ on time I wouldn't have missed the bus.

35 / 80

George Sr. must be very proud how much his son takes _______________ him.

36 / 80

After losing their way, they wandered _______________ aimlessly till the rescue service found them.

37 / 80

That jacket matches your boots perfectly; and look, they've _________________________.

38 / 80

When I was younger, I was never much _________________________ cards, but now I quite enjoy Bridge.

39 / 80

It's been a lovely evening. Thank you for inviting me! Right, I'm _______________.

40 / 80

I have a great-aunt who lives near Washington D.C. Whenever I'm in the area I like to call _______________ her.

41 / 80

It was so loud in the railway station that I couldn't _______________ what that man was saying.

42 / 80

My grandfather was someone _________________________.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

We'll eat dinner later, but if you're hungry now you could have a _______________ snack.

45 / 80

Do you find it easy to _______________ decisions?

46 / 80

You really should take your car to the mechanic now. Otherwise, you'll _______________ a big problem.

47 / 80

We found some _______________ bargains at the outlet mall.

48 / 80

Henry: Do you like the movie The Godfather, Willis?

Willis: I haven't _______________ seen it.

49 / 80

Don was fired from his job, and he's too _______________ to tell his wife.

50 / 80

Sean: Nice to see you Chas! How was your flight?

Chas: It was exactly how a flight should be: completely _______________.

51 / 80

There's a bit of Darjeeling tea left, but I'm afraid there isn't _______________ more Earl Grey, Jean-Luc. You've drunk it all.

52 / 80

My sister mailed me a birthday card last week, but I still haven't _______________ it.

53 / 80

Ouch, my feet hurt! It seems I made a _______________ mistake buying these shoes.

54 / 80

I need to make a quick trip to the post office. Can I _______________ your bicycle?

55 / 80

I'm going out. I'll be back _______________ 11:00.

56 / 80

Look at what I have in my hand! Can you guess what _______________ are?

57 / 80

Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the _______________ love story ever told.

58 / 80

My brother _______________ me his tent and sleeping bag so that I could go camping this weekend.

59 / 80

You must be twins! No one person could have so _______________ problems.

60 / 80

Michelle: Would you like to go to the park with us?

Barry: I'd love to, but I've got _______________ work.

61 / 80

Have you heard that Brian didn't pass his driving test? The poor guy: he's _______________ disappointed.

62 / 80

Why don't you drop by _______________ time? We would like to see you!

63 / 80

I think you'll really like Christopher. He's _______________ a nice guy.

64 / 80

Billy: Hey Reg, we're going out to a restaurant. Do you want to join us?

Reg: I'd love to, but Marilyn just called to say that she'll be late. Someone has to stay here _______________ six, so I guess that's me.

65 / 80

Betty Lou: Pierre's English was much better five years ago.

Leroy: Well, he doesn't use English in his new job. I don't think he's _______________ English anymore.

66 / 80

Police have no clue to the hacker's identity, so it looks like they have _________________________ their crime, and won't be punished.

67 / 80

Harry: The summer when I was 20 I worked on a fishing boat.

Elizabeth: Interesting!

Harry: It was, but it took me about half the summer to _________________________ up so early every morning.

68 / 80

Vincent van Gogh is one of the greatest painters, but he eventually _______________ mad.

69 / 80

I'll be ready to leave in ten minutes. I'm just going to _________________________.

70 / 80

You know the woman who decorated the Jones' house? Well, we're _______________ her do ours, as well.

71 / 80

Gather around, everyone, and lend me your ____________________. I have an incredible story to tell you.

72 / 80

Martin was very happy because his boss ____________________ home early.

73 / 80

Simon didn't want to tidy up his room, but his mother _______________ him do it.

74 / 80

Jake: What should we do this evening?

Pam: I don't ____________________; whatever you'd like to do.

75 / 80

I learned Italian when I was at school, and I pretty good at it. Unfortunately, I've forgotten a lot since then. My Italian _______________ a lot better.

76 / 80

The coffee is fresh. __________ you like some?

77 / 80

Roger: About our next appointment, does Thursday at 11:00 work?

Raphael: ______________________________. How about Friday at 11:00?

78 / 80

Sorry to trouble you, but I _________________________ if we could meet on Thursday instead of Friday.

79 / 80

Host: Is there anything you'd like to do while you're visiting?

Visitor: Well, ___________________________________

80 / 80

Shopkeeper: Have a nice day!

Customer: _________________________

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