Onolingo's Swift Level Assessment (OSLA) checks your knowledge of English so you can choose the right course for your language level. There are 80 questions in total. You have 30 minutes, at most, to finish the test, but you might finish faster.

Read each question carefully, then choose the best answer of the 3 or 4 possibilities. If you feel unsure, do not worry. This is normal.

Each time you select an answer, the test automatically moves to the next question. If you think that you have made a mistake, do not worry, there are enough questions that the test can still give you an accurate result.

PLEASE BE AWARE: before you begin the test, find a quiet place, with a strong internet connection, where you will not be disturbed.

Answer as many questions as you can, even if you do not know the right answer. You may stop the test at any time, but the more questions you answer, the more accurate your result will be.

At the end of the test, you will be asked to give your name and email address so that you can receive your results. As stated in our Privacy Policy, Onolingo will never sell your data, nor send you unwanted emails.

1 / 80

My friend comes from Spain, and your friend? _______________ your friend from Spain, too?

2 / 80

I like chocolate, and you? _______________ chocolate, too?

3 / 80

My brother lives in Baltimore. _______________ likes it there.

4 / 80

You can have the red one or the blue one. _______________ one do you want?

5 / 80

Airline Agent: Here are your tickets and boarding passes. Have a nice flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Oh, and could you tell me where our _______________ gate is?

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, here is your credit card back. You're all checked in. Would you like a wake up call?

Hotel guest: Oh, ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: What can I bring you?

Customer: Hmm, ______________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is the railway station this way?

Person in street: Oh, ______________________________.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Spencer: Hi Thorsten, how are you?

Thorsten: _________________________

11 / 80

Raymond: Oh, I really should leave for the airport now. I don't want to be late.

Phillip: _________________________, Raymond. See you next week.

12 / 80

Frank: Do you know that book, "Where the Wild Things Are"? Who _______________ it?

Shelly: Maurice Sendak, I think.

13 / 80

Have you ever _______________ with a movie star?

14 / 80

Sam doesn't like to go out dancing, but twice a year he goes with his wife.

15 / 80

Most Mondays, Martha comes to visit me, but if she doesn't have time she'll visit me the following day.

16 / 80

Martin: Shall we eat dinner before or after the film?

Patty: Well, the film starts _______________ 18:30, but it's only 90 minutes long. So, let's eat after.

17 / 80

Angelina: I've heard this song before, but do you know who wrote it?

Mason: I think the song is _______________ Bob Dylan.

18 / 80

Well, we're all packed. We're leaving _______________ Oslo in the morning.

19 / 80

Dudley: How can you tell a piano _______________ a fish?

Benny: I know that joke. You can tune a piano, but you can't tune a fish.

20 / 80

Gerry: I heard you went to the theatre yesterday. How was it?

Thad: The play was great, but our babysitter arrived 30 minutes late, which meant we had to drive very fast. Fortunately, we arrived just _______________ time.

21 / 80

Gertrud: Is that your son?

Albert: No, he's the son _______________ my wife's niece.

22 / 80

Dale: What time should I arrive for dinner?

Paige: We'll start dinner at 7:30, and please be _______________ time because we're going out dancing afterwards.

23 / 80

Gundreda: Do you want to come outside and watch the sunset?

Humfrey: Thanks for the offer, but I ____________________ this programme and it's really interesting.

24 / 80

I feel tired today. I _______________ enough last night.

25 / 80

I can't remember the last time I saw a film. I _________________________ to the cinema in ages.

26 / 80

Rachelle: A fantastic new club has just opened. Do you want to go with us this evening?

Sarah: Thanks, but I _______________ to bed early. I've got a lot to do tomorrow.

27 / 80

I could really use your help tomorrow afternoon, if _________________________ anything.

28 / 80

I think that by the year 2050, most of the world's people _______________ English.

29 / 80

I'm sorry _______________ you.

30 / 80

When I'm on vacation, what I enjoy _______________ most is relaxing with a good book.

31 / 80

Uncle Albert paid _______________ our lunch.

32 / 80

We will go to the concert on Saturday ______________________________

33 / 80

If energy _______________ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.

34 / 80

My friend, Jerry, bought a house in the country, but he says living in the country is boring. Jerry would have been happier with his decision, if he ______________________________

35 / 80

George Sr. must be very proud how much his son takes _______________ him.

36 / 80

I wish you girls would stop messing _______________ and get to work.

37 / 80

I don't like my cousin Richard. He thinks he knows everything better, and he's always _________________________.

38 / 80

When I was younger, I was never much _________________________ cards, but now I quite enjoy Bridge.

39 / 80

The boss is ill, so it looks like the quarterly meeting will have to be put _______________ till next month.

40 / 80

Todd was just _________________________ when he told them that he'd quit his job and was moving to Tibet.

41 / 80

Thank you for driving me to the station. I hope I'm not _________________________.

42 / 80

It sounds like the conference will be very interesting. I'm looking forward _______________ you there.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

I woke up to the sound of the wind _______________ through the trees.

45 / 80

We'll eat dinner later, but if you're hungry now you could have a _______________ snack.

46 / 80

You really should take your car to the mechanic now. Otherwise, you'll _______________ a big problem.

47 / 80

The time I stayed in Madrid gave me a great  _______________ to improve my Spanish.

48 / 80

Edna: So, Hank, it must feel good to be back in your home country. Where are you staying while you're here?

Hank: _______________ we're staying with my mother, but next week we're heading south to visit my brother for a few days.

49 / 80

Don was fired from his job, and he's too _______________ to tell his wife.

50 / 80

I wouldn't say that the tennis match was _______________ exactly, but I have seen better.

51 / 80

Oh, no! There isn't _______________ more coffee. We've completely run out.

52 / 80

May I _______________ some mayonnaise to go with my fries, please?

53 / 80

Ouch, my feet hurt! It seems I made a _______________ mistake buying these shoes.

54 / 80

I don't know what this word means. Can I _______________ your dictionary for a minute?

55 / 80

I thought that I had left early enough for the airport, but traffic was much worse than usual. I ended up missing my flight _______________ five minutes. Can you believe it?

56 / 80

Look at what's in my hand! Can you guess what _______________ is?

57 / 80

One of my best teachers was Mr. Webber. I learned a _______________ deal from him.

58 / 80

Steve: That's the exact laptop that I want. Too bad it's only on sale today. I don't have enough money for it now.

Earl: Well, I can _______________ you the money so you can buy the laptop today. You can pay me back next month.

59 / 80

You must be twins! No one person could have so _______________ problems.

60 / 80

My family was certainly not rich. My father never made _______________ money.

61 / 80

Have you heard that Brian didn't pass his driving test? The poor guy: he's _______________ disappointed.

62 / 80

Wilma: Your cake was wonderful, Betty!

Betty: Thank you! There is a little bit left.  Would you like _______________ more?

63 / 80

I think you'll really like Christopher. He's _______________ a nice guy.

64 / 80

Billy: Hey Reg, we're going out to a restaurant. Do you want to join us?

Reg: I'd love to, but Marilyn just called to say that she'll be late. Someone has to stay here _______________ six, so I guess that's me.

65 / 80

The reason that most people don't like to speak in front of an audience is because they ____________________.

66 / 80

I was very sad after my dog died, but in time I _________________________.

67 / 80

Harry: The summer when I was 20 I worked on a fishing boat.

Elizabeth: Interesting!

Harry: It was, but it took me about half the summer to _________________________ up so early every morning.

68 / 80

My cousin was only 20 when he started ____________________ bald.*

*bald = to lose one's hair

69 / 80

I'll be ready to leave in ten minutes. I'm just going to _________________________.

70 / 80

I'm not sure whether to paint the kitchen myself or to __________ it painted by a professional.

71 / 80

Oh, I'm glad you're here. I need some help. Could you ____________________ me a hand?

72 / 80

Martin was very happy because his boss ____________________ home early.

73 / 80

Spencer wanted to go home early, but his boss _______________ him stay late.

74 / 80

I had planned to buy a new smartphone this month, but then I changed my _______________ .

75 / 80

Do you see that yellow house over there? When I was a child we lived in that house, but it _______________ blue then.

76 / 80

It feels cold in here. _______________ a nice cup of tea to warm you up?

77 / 80

Gretchen: Help yourself to more coffee, Robert.

Robert: Thank you, ______________________________.

78 / 80

The room feels too warm to me. Would you _________________________ the window?

79 / 80

Host: Did you have any trouble finding us?

Visitor: Oh, ___________________________________.

80 / 80

Bill: How is your coffee, Steve?

Steve: Well, _________________________.

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