Onolingo's Swift Level Assessment (OSLA) checks your knowledge of English so you can choose the right course for your language level. There are 80 questions in total. You have 30 minutes, at most, to finish the test, but you might finish faster.

Read each question carefully, then choose the best answer of the 3 or 4 possibilities. If you feel unsure, do not worry. This is normal.

Each time you select an answer, the test automatically moves to the next question. If you think that you have made a mistake, do not worry, there are enough questions that the test can still give you an accurate result.

PLEASE BE AWARE: before you begin the test, find a quiet place, with a strong internet connection, where you will not be disturbed.

Answer as many questions as you can, even if you do not know the right answer. You may stop the test at any time, but the more questions you answer, the more accurate your result will be.

At the end of the test, you will be asked to give your name and email address so that you can receive your results. As stated in our Privacy Policy, Onolingo will never sell your data, nor send you unwanted emails.

1 / 80

I come from America, and you? _______________ you from America, too?

2 / 80

I like pizza, and you? _______________ pizza, too?

3 / 80

My sister lives in Chicago. _______________ likes it there.

4 / 80

Is something wrong? _______________ are you crying?

5 / 80

Airline Agent: Would you prefer a window seat or to sit on the _______________?

Passenger: A window seat, please.

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, here is your credit card back. You're all checked in. Would you like a wake up call?

Hotel guest: Oh, ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: So, how was everything? Can I bring you anything else?

Customer: Everything was fine, but _________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is there a tourist office near here?

Person in the street: Yes, ______________________________. The tourist office will be on your left.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Fred: Barney, it's nice to see you again!

Barney: _________________________, Fred.

11 / 80

Person at airport: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a good flight!

Other person at airport: Yes, _________________________. I wish you a good flight, as well.

12 / 80

Jane: You're nose is very red, Ron.

Ron: Yes, I know. I was at the disco last Friday, and I _______________ a cold.

13 / 80

Than: You don't look so good today, George.

George: Really? That's funny because I have never _______________ better.

14 / 80

On Friday evenings, Norman likes to meet his friends at the pub, but sometimes his friends want to go on Saturday.

15 / 80

Most Mondays, Martha comes to visit me, but if she doesn't have time she'll visit me the following day.

16 / 80

I'm an engineer. I work _______________ Siemens.

17 / 80

Patty: That's an interesting picture, Chuck.

Chuck: Yes, I like it, too. It was painted _______________ my sister. She's an artist.

18 / 80

Well, we're all packed. We're leaving _______________ Oslo in the morning.

19 / 80

Julie: What have you got there?

Mary: Oh, it's a postcard _______________ my brother.

20 / 80

Gerry: I heard you went to the theatre yesterday. How was it?

Thad: The play was great, but our babysitter arrived 30 minutes late, which meant we had to drive very fast. Fortunately, we arrived just _______________ time.

21 / 80

Julie: Who is that boy in the picture?

Mary: Oh, it's a picture _______________ my brother when he was 12 years old.

22 / 80

We live _______________ the fourth floor.

23 / 80

I'm sorry. I hope that I _________________________ you.

24 / 80

I feel tired today. I _______________ enough last night.

25 / 80

Could you drive me to the station? My car _______________ down.

26 / 80

Look at those clouds! We'd better find shelter because _________________________ any minute.

27 / 80

Eric: Would you like to go to brunch with us on Sunday?

Larry: I'd love to, but _______________ my uncle with his computer on Sunday.

28 / 80

Guido: I can't decide whether to take my car to Munich or take the train.

Bernd: Haven't you heard that the railway workers are planning to strike this week.

Guido: That settles it: _________________________ my car.

29 / 80

I'm sorry _______________ you.

30 / 80

I'm completely happy here. I can't imagine _______________ anywhere else.

31 / 80

In the evenings, I usually _______________  jazz music.

32 / 80

The Boss: You can go home early if ___________________________________

33 / 80

If energy _______________ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.

34 / 80

If I ___________________ on time I wouldn't have missed the bus.

35 / 80

George Sr. must be very proud how much his son takes _______________ him.

36 / 80

Nobody wanted to work this morning. Everybody was just _________________________.

37 / 80

I could really use your help in here, if you can _________________________ your iPad for a few minutes.

38 / 80

I was never one _______________ sport when I was at school, but five years ago I started jogging; and next month I'm doing a half-marathon.

39 / 80

It's been a lovely evening. Thank you for inviting me! Right, I'm _______________.

40 / 80

Todd was just _________________________ when he told them that he'd quit his job and was moving to Tibet.

41 / 80

I wish that you would cut _______________ the nonsense and come to the point.

42 / 80

It sounds like the conference will be very interesting. I'm looking forward _______________ you there.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

I woke up to the sound of the wind _______________ through the trees.

45 / 80

When you go to Nepal, be sure to _______________ warm clothes. It's often cold at night.

46 / 80

Marshal: Can Anne speak French?

Carl: Yes, she speaks it almost perfectly, with just a _______________ accent.

47 / 80

Isn't it wonderful? Elizabeth is going to _______________ a baby!

48 / 80

Henry: Do you like the movie The Godfather, Willis?

Willis: I haven't _______________ seen it.

49 / 80

When Laura broke her mother's expensive teacup, Laura's mother did not appear _______________.

50 / 80

I wouldn't say that the tennis match was _______________ exactly, but I have seen better.

51 / 80

Oh, no! There isn't _______________ more coffee. We've completely run out.

52 / 80

May I _______________ some mayonnaise to go with my fries, please?

53 / 80

The first time I was in London I was surprised that the city is really not all that _______________. You can easily get around on foot.

54 / 80

Oh no! I haven't got any money with me. Can I _______________ five bucks? I'll pay you back tomorrow.

55 / 80

I thought that I had left early enough for the airport, but traffic was much worse than usual. I ended up missing my flight _______________ five minutes. Can you believe it?

56 / 80

I know it's far away, but can you tell what _______________ is?

57 / 80

Paris is one of the _______________ cities in the world. I love it!

58 / 80

Have you read the book Driving Over Lemons? It's really funny. I can _______________ you my copy, if you would like to read it.

59 / 80

Cliff: How was the meeting, Walt?

Walt: Not bad, but I ate too _______________ cookies.

60 / 80

I can't believe how _______________ it costs to see a movie these days.

61 / 80

I can't believe what good luck we've had. The people who moved in next door to us are _______________ nice.

62 / 80

Why don't you drop by _______________ time? We would like to see you!

63 / 80

London is, in fact, quite an easy city to see on foot. It's really not _______________ a big place.

64 / 80

My train has been delayed, so I won't arrive home _______________ midnight.

65 / 80

The first summer that I worked as a camp counsellor was hard because I wasn't _________________________ up so early every morning.

66 / 80

I was very sad after my dog died, but in time I _________________________.

67 / 80

Barry: David, this is a surprise! I thought you were in São Paulo.

David: I was there for three months, but I got back last week. I was sorry to leave because I was finally _________________________ Portuguese.

68 / 80

My cousin was only 20 when he started ____________________ bald.*

*bald = to lose one's hair

69 / 80

Look at those clouds! It'll probably rain. We'd better _________________________.

70 / 80

You know the woman who decorated the Jones' house? Well, we're _______________ her do ours, as well.

71 / 80

Oh, I'm glad you're here. I need some help. Could you ____________________ me a hand?

72 / 80

The boys wanted to know if I would ____________________ them use the boat this weekend.

73 / 80

Porsche didn't want to sit at the front of the classroom, but her teacher _______________ her do it.

74 / 80

Sales person: Well, have you made up your _______________?

Customer: Yes, I'll take the green one.

75 / 80

My grandfather told me that when he was a child they _______________ so many TV channels.

76 / 80

The coffee is fresh. __________ for some?

77 / 80

Alice: Would you like another piece of cake, Pierre?

Pierre: Thank you. It was delicious, but _________________________ eat another bite.

78 / 80

The room feels too warm to me. Would you _________________________ the window?

79 / 80

Host: Did you have any trouble finding us?

Visitor: Oh, ___________________________________.

80 / 80

Ricky: Have a nice weekend!

Lucy: _________________________

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