Das Swift Level Assessment von Onolingo (OSLA) prüft Ihre Englischkenntnisse, damit Sie den richtigen Kurs für Ihr Sprachniveau wählen können. Es gibt insgesamt 80 Fragen. Sie haben höchstens 30 Minuten Zeit, um den Test zu bearbeiten, aber Sie können auch schneller fertig sein.

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Beantworten Sie so viele Fragen, wie Sie können, auch wenn Sie die richtige Antwort nicht wissen. Sie können den Test jederzeit abbrechen, aber je mehr Fragen Sie beantworten, desto genauer wird Ihr Ergebnis sein.

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1 / 80

I have two hobbies: tennis and photography. What _______________ your hobbies?

2 / 80

I like pizza, and you? _______________ pizza, too?

3 / 80

Ben wants to use the iPad. Can you bring it to _______________?

4 / 80

You can have the red one or the blue one. _______________ one do you want?

5 / 80

Airline Agent: Would you prefer a window seat or to sit on the _______________?

Passenger: A window seat, please.

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, that's one double room. And when will you be checking out?

Hotel guest: We ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: So, are you ready to _______________ or do you need another minute?

Customer: We're ready. I'll have. . .

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is there a McDonald's near here?

Man in the street: Yes, ______________________________. The McDonalds will be on your right.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Spencer: Hi Thorsten, how are you?

Thorsten: _________________________

11 / 80

Patty: I'll give you a ring sometime next week.

Susan: Great! _________________________.

12 / 80

Chris: I like your jacket. Where did you get it?

Sam: I _______________ it at the Paris flea market last year.

13 / 80

Judy: I hope that you repair that step soon. I've almost _______________ three times this week.

14 / 80

Mark doesn't like to go to the cinema, but one or two times a year he goes with his wife.

15 / 80

Rita stopped eating meat when she was a teenager. Now, the only time she eats meat is at Christmas dinner.

16 / 80

Ted: How's work these days?

Ben: Really good. _______________ the moment, I'm working on a very interesting project.

17 / 80

Patty: That's an interesting picture, Chuck.

Chuck: Yes, I like it, too. It was painted _______________ my sister. She's an artist.

18 / 80

Henry: What's that you've got there?

Lain: Oh, it's a book I just bought _______________ my brother. His birthday is next week.

19 / 80

Dudley: How can you tell a piano _______________ a fish?

Benny: I know that joke. You can tune a piano, but you can't tune a fish.

20 / 80

The first thing I like to do _______________ the morning is have a strong cup of coffee.

21 / 80

Julie: Who is that boy in the picture?

Mary: Oh, it's a picture _______________ my brother when he was 12 years old.

22 / 80

We live _______________ the fourth floor.

23 / 80

Ellen: Do you want to come down to the pub with us?

Thomas: Thanks, but I ____________________ this report and I have to finish it today.

24 / 80

I feel tired today. I _______________ enough last night.

25 / 80

I was shopping all morning. Look what ____________________.

26 / 80

Winston: If you don't have any plans you could come over to our place on Saturday.

Jimmy: Thanks, but we _______________ visit my aunt Ginny on Saturday.

27 / 80

I could really use your help tomorrow afternoon, if _________________________ anything.

28 / 80

I think that by the year 2050, most of the world's people _______________ English.

29 / 80

I'm sorry _______________ you.

30 / 80

I'm completely happy here. I can't imagine _______________ anywhere else.

31 / 80

Uncle Albert paid _______________ our lunch.

32 / 80

We will go sailing on Saturday ______________________________

33 / 80

If energy _______________ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.

34 / 80

We ____________________ the game if we’d had a bit more time.

35 / 80

George Sr. must be very proud how much his son takes _______________ him.

36 / 80

I wish you girls would stop messing _______________ and get to work.

37 / 80

I could really use your help in here, if you can _________________________ your iPad for a few minutes.

38 / 80

I was never one _______________ sport when I was at school, but five years ago I started jogging; and next month I'm doing a half-marathon.

39 / 80

As my grandmother often said, "Do not put _______________ till tomorrow what you can do today."

40 / 80

Todd was just _________________________ when he told them that he'd quit his job and was moving to Tibet.

41 / 80

It was so loud in the railway station that I couldn't _______________ what that man was saying.

42 / 80

I don't trust that Michael, I think he's _________________________ something.

43 / 80

Believe it or not, some people find it quite easy to _______________ a new foreign language.

44 / 80

We are running out of time. It's _______________ important that we take a decision now.

45 / 80

Marshal: Can Anne speak French?

Carl: Yes, she speaks it almost perfectly, with just a _______________ accent.

46 / 80

Tom: How was the traffic this morning?

Jerry: It was pretty _______________.

47 / 80

We found some _______________ bargains at the outlet mall.

48 / 80

Henry: Do you like the movie The Godfather, Willis?

Willis: I haven't _______________ seen it.

49 / 80

There's a lecture at the Natural History Museum tomorrow evening on spelunking. If you're _______________ we could go together.

50 / 80

My uncle Harry is quite an _______________ man. He's lived all over the world.

51 / 80

If you need my help, just give me a call. You can call _______________ time you like.

52 / 80

My sister mailed me a birthday card last week, but I still haven't _______________ it.

53 / 80

The first time I was in London I was surprised that the city is really not all that _______________. You can easily get around on foot.

54 / 80

Oh no! I haven't got any money with me. Can I _______________ five bucks? I'll pay you back tomorrow.

55 / 80

Billy: Hey Frank, is everything alright? You looked stressed.

Frank: Yes, I am stressed. I'm not finished with this report and my boss needs it _______________ four this afternoon.

56 / 80

When I was a child, we went to the seaside every summer. Oh, _______________ were really fun-filled days.

57 / 80

Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the _______________ love story ever told.

58 / 80

Steve: That's the exact laptop that I want. Too bad it's only on sale today. I don't have enough money for it now.

Earl: Well, I can _______________ you the money so you can buy the laptop today. You can pay me back next month.

59 / 80

Cliff: How was the meeting, Walt?

Walt: Not bad, but I ate too _______________ cookies.

60 / 80

My family was certainly not rich. My father never made _______________ money.

61 / 80

I can't believe what good luck we've had. The people who moved in next door to us are _______________ nice.

62 / 80

It's hard to believe, but there are _______________ people who don't like chocolate ice cream.

63 / 80

Oh! I didn't realize that it was _______________ a late hour. I must get going.

64 / 80

My train has been delayed, so I won't arrive home _______________ midnight.

65 / 80

The reason that most people don't like to speak in front of an audience is because they ____________________.

66 / 80

Police have no clue to the hacker's identity, so it looks like they have _________________________ their crime, and won't be punished.

67 / 80

Harry: The summer when I was 20 I worked on a fishing boat.

Elizabeth: Interesting!

Harry: It was, but it took me about half the summer to _________________________ up so early every morning.

68 / 80

Vincent van Gogh is one of the greatest painters, but he eventually _______________ mad.

69 / 80

Look at those clouds! It'll probably rain. We'd better _________________________.

70 / 80

I have an appointment at the dentist next week to __________ my teeth cleaned.

71 / 80

Mary needs some help. Would you lend her ____________________, please?

72 / 80

We gave the workers a key so that they could _______________ themselves in and out.

73 / 80

Porsche didn't want to sit at the front of the classroom, but her teacher _______________ her do it.

74 / 80

Sales person: Well, have you made up your _______________?

Customer: Yes, I'll take the green one.

75 / 80

An ordinary computer doesn't cost much today, unlike years ago when computers _______________ a lot more.

76 / 80

The coffee is fresh. __________ you like some?

77 / 80

Roger: About our next appointment, does Thursday at 11:00 work?

Raphael: ______________________________. How about Friday at 11:00?

78 / 80

Sorry to trouble you, but I _________________________ if you would post a letter for me on your way home.

79 / 80

Host: How is your accommodation?

Visitor: Oh, ______________________________.

80 / 80

Bill: How is your coffee, Steve?

Steve: Well, _________________________.

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