Das Swift Level Assessment von Onolingo (OSLA) prüft Ihre Englischkenntnisse, damit Sie den richtigen Kurs für Ihr Sprachniveau wählen können. Es gibt insgesamt 80 Fragen. Sie haben höchstens 30 Minuten Zeit, um den Test zu bearbeiten, aber Sie können auch schneller fertig sein.

Lesen Sie jede Frage sorgfältig durch und wählen Sie dann die beste Antwort aus den 3 oder 4 Möglichkeiten. Wenn Sie sich unsicher fühlen, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Das ist ganz normal.

Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Antwort auswählen, geht der Test automatisch zur nächsten Frage über. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Sie einen Fehler gemacht haben, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, es gibt genügend Fragen, so dass der Test Ihnen immer noch ein genaues Ergebnis liefern kann.

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Beantworten Sie so viele Fragen, wie Sie können, auch wenn Sie die richtige Antwort nicht wissen. Sie können den Test jederzeit abbrechen, aber je mehr Fragen Sie beantworten, desto genauer wird Ihr Ergebnis sein.

Am Ende des Tests werden Sie aufgefordert, Ihren Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse anzugeben, damit Sie Ihre Ergebnisse erhalten können. Wie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung angegeben, wird Onolingo Ihre Daten niemals verkaufen oder Ihnen unerwünschte E-Mails schicken.

1 / 80

I come from America, and you? _______________ you from America, too?

2 / 80

I like chocolate, and you? _______________ chocolate, too?

3 / 80

Anne wants to use the iPad. Can you bring it to _______________?

4 / 80

Marilyn: This is my new ring!

Arthur: It's very nice. _______________ gave it to you?

5 / 80

Airline Agent: Here are your tickets and boarding passes. Have a nice flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Oh, and could you tell me where our _______________ gate is?

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, that's one double room. And when will you be checking out?

Hotel guest: We ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: What can I bring you?

Customer: Hmm, ______________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is there a McDonald's near here?

Man in the street: Yes, ______________________________. The McDonalds will be on your right.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Eric: Winston! It's great to see you.

Winston: Great to see you too, Eric. How _________________________?

11 / 80

Person at airport: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a good flight!

Other person at airport: Yes, _________________________. I wish you a good flight, as well.

12 / 80

Jane: You're nose is very red, Ron.

Ron: Yes, I know. I was at the disco last Friday, and I _______________ a cold.

13 / 80

Have you ever _______________ a real princess?

14 / 80

Sam doesn't like to go out dancing, but twice a year he goes with his wife.

15 / 80

Most Mondays, Martha comes to visit me, but if she doesn't have time she'll visit me the following day.

16 / 80

I'm an engineer. I work _______________ Siemens.

17 / 80

Angelina: I've heard this song before, but do you know who wrote it?

Mason: I think the song is _______________ Bob Dylan.

18 / 80

Well, we're all packed. We're leaving _______________ Oslo in the morning.

19 / 80

I have a very old stamp in my collection. It dates _______________ the 17th century.

20 / 80

Gerry: I heard you went to the theatre yesterday. How was it?

Thad: The play was great, but our babysitter arrived 30 minutes late, which meant we had to drive very fast. Fortunately, we arrived just _______________ time.

21 / 80

Julie: Who is that boy in the picture?

Mary: Oh, it's a picture _______________ my brother when he was 12 years old.

22 / 80

Dale: What time should I arrive for dinner?

Paige: We'll start dinner at 7:30, and please be _______________ time because we're going out dancing afterwards.

23 / 80

Ellen: Do you want to come down to the pub with us?

Thomas: Thanks, but I ____________________ this report and I have to finish it today.

24 / 80

Custancia: Have you always lived here?

Ruth: Well, I have lived most of my life here, but I _______________ about 50KM away.

25 / 80

Rose: Are you going to Samuel and Jennifer's wedding next month?

Ada: Oh, are they were getting married? I guess they _______________ me.

26 / 80

Rachelle: A fantastic new club has just opened. Do you want to go with us this evening?

Sarah: Thanks, but I _______________ to bed early. I've got a lot to do tomorrow.

27 / 80

Sid: Have you got any plans for the weekend?

Jonny: Yes, _______________ down to Brighton to see my aunt.

28 / 80

Guido: I can't decide whether to take my car to Munich or take the train.

Bernd: Haven't you heard that the railway workers are planning to strike this week.

Guido: That settles it: _________________________ my car.

29 / 80

I'm sorry _______________ you.

30 / 80

I'm completely happy here. I can't imagine _______________ anywhere else.

31 / 80

The air we breathe mostly consists __________ nitrogen.

32 / 80

We will go sailing on Saturday ______________________________

33 / 80

If energy _______________ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.

34 / 80

We ____________________ the game if we’d had a bit more time.

35 / 80

While we were in Hawaii, the couple next door _________________________ our cats.

36 / 80

I wish you girls would stop messing _______________ and get to work.

37 / 80

That jacket matches your boots perfectly; and look, they've _________________________.

38 / 80

I was never one _______________ sport when I was at school, but five years ago I started jogging; and next month I'm doing a half-marathon.

39 / 80

The boss is ill, so it looks like the quarterly meeting will have to be put _______________ till next month.

40 / 80

Todd was just _________________________ when he told them that he'd quit his job and was moving to Tibet.

41 / 80

It was so loud in the railway station that I couldn't _______________ what that man was saying.

42 / 80

I don't trust that Michael, I think he's _________________________ something.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

When you go to Nepal, be sure to _______________ warm clothes. It's often cold at night.

45 / 80

Don't eat too many of those tortilla chips or you'll _______________ your appetite.

46 / 80

Marshal: Can Anne speak French?

Carl: Yes, she speaks it almost perfectly, with just a _______________ accent.

47 / 80

Ritchie: Hey Mike! I didn't see you at the meeting last Friday.

Mike: That's because I was on a business _______________ all last week.

48 / 80

Ruth: You live in Los Angeles now, don't you Fred?

Fred: We did, but we _______________ moved to to San Francisco two years ago.

49 / 80

When Laura broke her mother's expensive teacup, Laura's mother did not appear _______________.

50 / 80

Sean: Nice to see you Chas! How was your flight?

Chas: It was exactly how a flight should be: completely _______________.

51 / 80

Oh, no! There isn't _______________ more coffee. We've completely run out.

52 / 80

May I _______________ some mayonnaise to go with my fries, please?

53 / 80

The first time I was in London I was surprised that the city is really not all that _______________. You can easily get around on foot.

54 / 80

I don't know what this word means. Can I _______________ your dictionary for a minute?

55 / 80

Billy: Hey Frank, is everything alright? You looked stressed.

Frank: Yes, I am stressed. I'm not finished with this report and my boss needs it _______________ four this afternoon.

56 / 80

Look at what I have in my hand! Can you guess what _______________ are?

57 / 80

Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the _______________ love story ever told.

58 / 80

Have you read the book Driving Over Lemons? It's really funny. I can _______________ you my copy, if you would like to read it.

59 / 80

There is a saying in English: "Too _______________ cooks spoil the broth.

60 / 80

Michelle: Would you like to go to the park with us?

Barry: I'd love to, but I've got _______________ work.

61 / 80

Have you heard that Brian didn't pass his driving test? The poor guy: he's _______________ disappointed.

62 / 80

Wilma: Your cake was wonderful, Betty!

Betty: Thank you! There is a little bit left.  Would you like _______________ more?

63 / 80

I think you'll really like Christopher. He's _______________ a nice guy.

64 / 80

Billy: Hey Reg, we're going out to a restaurant. Do you want to join us?

Reg: I'd love to, but Marilyn just called to say that she'll be late. Someone has to stay here _______________ six, so I guess that's me.

65 / 80

The reason that most people don't like to speak in front of an audience is because they ____________________.

66 / 80

I was very sad after my dog died, but in time I _________________________.

67 / 80

Harry: The summer when I was 20 I worked on a fishing boat.

Elizabeth: Interesting!

Harry: It was, but it took me about half the summer to _________________________ up so early every morning.

68 / 80

My cousin was only 20 when he started ____________________ bald.*

*bald = to lose one's hair

69 / 80

I'll be ready to leave in ten minutes. I'm just going to _________________________.

70 / 80

I'm not sure whether to paint the kitchen myself or to __________ it painted by a professional.

71 / 80

Gather around, everyone, and lend me your ____________________. I have an incredible story to tell you.

72 / 80

Martin was very happy because his boss ____________________ home early.

73 / 80

Simon didn't want to tidy up his room, but his mother _______________ him do it.

74 / 80

Jake: What should we do this evening?

Pam: I don't ____________________; whatever you'd like to do.

75 / 80

My grandfather told me that when he was a child they _______________ so many TV channels.

76 / 80

Estelle made cake. __________ you like a piece?

77 / 80

Gretchen: Help yourself to more coffee, Robert.

Robert: Thank you, ______________________________.

78 / 80

The room feels too warm to me. Would you _________________________ the window?

79 / 80

Host: How is your accommodation?

Visitor: Oh, ______________________________.

80 / 80

Randy: Here's your coffee.

Tom: Thank you!

Randy: _________________________

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