Onolingo's Swift Level Assessment (OSLA) checks your knowledge of English so you can choose the right course for your language level. There are 80 questions in total. You have 30 minutes, at most, to finish the test, but you might finish faster.

Read each question carefully, then choose the best answer of the 3 or 4 possibilities. If you feel unsure, do not worry. This is normal.

Each time you select an answer, the test automatically moves to the next question. If you think that you have made a mistake, do not worry, there are enough questions that the test can still give you an accurate result.

PLEASE BE AWARE: before you begin the test, find a quiet place, with a strong internet connection, where you will not be disturbed.

Answer as many questions as you can, even if you do not know the right answer. You may stop the test at any time, but the more questions you answer, the more accurate your result will be.

At the end of the test, you will be asked to give your name and email address so that you can receive your results. As stated in our Privacy Policy, Onolingo will never sell your data, nor send you unwanted emails.

1 / 80

My friend comes from Spain, and your friend? _______________ your friend from Spain, too?

2 / 80

In your town, _________________________?

3 / 80

My sister lives in Chicago. _______________ likes it there.

4 / 80

Is something wrong? _______________ are you crying?

5 / 80

Passport control officer: So, everything is in order. You may go straight to _______________. Enjoy your stay.

Airline passenger: Thank you.

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: Good evening. May I help you?

Traveller: Yes, _________________________?

7 / 80

Restaurant server: So, how was everything? Can I bring you anything else?

Customer: Everything was fine, but _________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is there a McDonald's near here?

Man in the street: Yes, ______________________________. The McDonalds will be on your right.

9 / 80

Mick Jagger: Hi, I'm Mick.

Larry Smith: _________________________, Mick? I'm Larry.

10 / 80

Eric: Winston! It's great to see you.

Winston: Great to see you too, Eric. How _________________________?

11 / 80

Person at airport: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a good flight!

Other person at airport: Yes, _________________________. I wish you a good flight, as well.

12 / 80

Chris: I like your jacket. Where did you get it?

Sam: I _______________ it at the Paris flea market last year.

13 / 80

Have you ever _______________ the Grand Canyon?

14 / 80

On Friday evenings, Norman likes to meet his friends at the pub, but sometimes his friends want to go on Saturday.

15 / 80

Sam doesn't like to go out dancing, but twice a year he goes with his wife.

16 / 80

There's someone _______________ the door. Could you see who it is?

17 / 80

Humbert: What are you reading, Gordon?

Gordon: Oh, I'm reading a book _______________ Nabokov.

18 / 80

Henry: What's that you've got there?

Lain: Oh, it's a book I just bought _______________ my brother. His birthday is next week.

19 / 80

I have a very old stamp in my collection. It dates _______________ the 17th century.

20 / 80

Samantha: What's the matter with your eyes?

Joseph: It's the pollen. This always happens to me _______________ spring.

21 / 80

Gertrud: Is that your son?

Albert: No, he's the son _______________ my wife's niece.

22 / 80

Doug: Have you seen my keys, Adam?

Adam: Aren't they __________ the table?

23 / 80

I'm sorry. I hope that I _________________________ you.

24 / 80

I feel tired today. I _______________ enough last night.

25 / 80

Could you drive me to the station? My car _______________ down.

26 / 80

Winston: If you don't have any plans you could come over to our place on Saturday.

Jimmy: Thanks, but we _______________ visit my aunt Ginny on Saturday.

27 / 80

Sid: Have you got any plans for the weekend?

Jonny: Yes, _______________ down to Brighton to see my aunt.

28 / 80

I think that by the year 2050, most of the world's people _______________ English.

29 / 80

I can't afford _______________ a new car till next year.

30 / 80

I don't remember _______________ this door.

31 / 80

The air we breathe mostly consists __________ nitrogen.

32 / 80

We will go to the concert on Saturday ______________________________

33 / 80

If energy _______________ inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.

34 / 80

My friend, Jerry, bought a house in the country, but he says living in the country is boring. Jerry would have been happier with his decision, if he ______________________________

35 / 80

The time I broke my brother's camera he went _______________ me like never before. That's the only time I've ever had a black eye.

36 / 80

I wish you girls would stop messing _______________ and get to work.

37 / 80

I don't like my cousin Richard. He thinks he knows everything better, and he's always _________________________.

38 / 80

When I was younger, I was never much _________________________ cards, but now I quite enjoy Bridge.

39 / 80

It's been a lovely evening. Thank you for inviting me! Right, I'm _______________.

40 / 80

Todd was just _________________________ when he told them that he'd quit his job and was moving to Tibet.

41 / 80

I wish that you would cut _______________ the nonsense and come to the point.

42 / 80

I look forward _______________ you next week.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

As soon as the lecture ended, people _______________ out of the hall.

45 / 80

This morning there were _______________ of fog on the motorway.

46 / 80

Do you find it easy to _______________ decisions?

47 / 80

Isn't it wonderful? Elizabeth is going to _______________ a baby!

48 / 80

Henry: Do you like the movie The Godfather, Willis?

Willis: I haven't _______________ seen it.

49 / 80

There's a lecture at the Natural History Museum tomorrow evening on spelunking. If you're _______________ we could go together.

50 / 80

There's a special exhibition on Bauhaus design at the museum. My friend said she found it very _______________.

51 / 80

Oh, no! There isn't _______________ more coffee. We've completely run out.

52 / 80

When my sister was at school, she studied all of the time. Her dream was to _______________ a doctor.

53 / 80

With a population of around 1 million people, Oslo is the _______________  city in Norway.

54 / 80

I need to make a quick trip to the post office. Can I _______________ your bicycle?

55 / 80

I thought that I had left early enough for the airport, but traffic was much worse than usual. I ended up missing my flight _______________ five minutes. Can you believe it?

56 / 80

Look at what I have in my hand! Can you guess what _______________ are?

57 / 80

One of my best teachers was Mr. Webber. I learned a _______________ deal from him.

58 / 80

Have you read the book Driving Over Lemons? It's really funny. I can _______________ you my copy, if you would like to read it.

59 / 80

There is a saying in English: "Too _______________ cooks spoil the broth.

60 / 80

My family was certainly not rich. My father never made _______________ money.

61 / 80

I can't believe what good luck we've had. The people who moved in next door to us are _______________ nice.

62 / 80

It's hard to believe, but there are _______________ people who don't like chocolate ice cream.

63 / 80

London is, in fact, quite an easy city to see on foot. It's really not _______________ a big place.

64 / 80

Billy: Hey Reg, we're going out to a restaurant. Do you want to join us?

Reg: I'd love to, but Marilyn just called to say that she'll be late. Someone has to stay here _______________ six, so I guess that's me.

65 / 80

Betty Lou: Pierre's English was much better five years ago.

Leroy: Well, he doesn't use English in his new job. I don't think he's _______________ English anymore.

66 / 80

Police have no clue to the hacker's identity, so it looks like they have _________________________ their crime, and won't be punished.

67 / 80

Harry: The summer when I was 20 I worked on a fishing boat.

Elizabeth: Interesting!

Harry: It was, but it took me about half the summer to _________________________ up so early every morning.

68 / 80

As we grow older, it's only natural for our hair to ____________________.

69 / 80

I'm just going to go to the supermarket and __________ some ice cream for desert.

70 / 80

I have an appointment at the dentist next week to __________ my teeth cleaned.

71 / 80

Oh, I'm glad you're here. I need some help. Could you ____________________ me a hand?

72 / 80

Martin was very happy because his boss ____________________ home early.

73 / 80

Spencer wanted to go home early, but his boss _______________ him stay late.

74 / 80

Waiter, I've changed my _______________. Instead of chicken with rice, I'd like the vegetable soup, instead.

75 / 80

I learned Italian when I was at school, and I pretty good at it. Unfortunately, I've forgotten a lot since then. My Italian _______________ a lot better.

76 / 80

The coffee is fresh. __________ you like some?

77 / 80

Alice: Would you like another piece of cake, Pierre?

Pierre: Thank you. It was delicious, but _________________________ eat another bite.

78 / 80

The room feels too warm to me. Would you _________________________ the window?

79 / 80

Host: Did you have any trouble finding us?

Visitor: Oh, ___________________________________.

80 / 80

Shopkeeper: Have a nice day!

Customer: _________________________

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