Onolingo Swift Level Assessment

Onolingo's Swift Level Assessment

Onolingo's Swift Level Assessment (OSLA) checks your knowledge of English so you can choose the right course for your language level. There are 80 questions in total. You have 30 minutes, at most, to finish the test, but you might finish faster.

Read each question carefully, then choose the best answer of the 3 or 4 possibilities. If you feel unsure, do not worry. This is normal.

Each time you select an answer, the test automatically moves to the next question. If you think that you have made a mistake, do not worry, there are enough questions that the test can still give you an accurate result.

PLEASE BE AWARE: before you begin the test, find a quiet place, with a strong internet connection, where you will not be disturbed.

Answer as many questions as you can, even if you do not know the right answer. You may stop the test at any time, but the more questions you answer, the more accurate your result will be.

At the end of the test, you will be asked to give your name and email address so that you can receive your results. As stated in our Privacy Policy, Onolingo will never sell your data, nor send you unwanted emails.

1 / 80

I have two hobbies: tennis and photography. What _______________ your hobbies?

2 / 80

I like pizza, and you? _______________ pizza, too?

3 / 80

My brother lives in Baltimore. _______________ likes it there.

4 / 80

You can have the red one or the blue one. _______________ one do you want?

5 / 80

Airline Agent: Would you prefer a window seat or to sit on the _______________?

Passenger: A window seat, please.

6 / 80

Hotel clerk: So, here is your credit card back. You're all checked in. Would you like a wake up call?

Hotel guest: Oh, ______________________________.

7 / 80

Restaurant server: What can I bring you?

Customer: Hmm, ______________________________.

8 / 80

Visitor: Excuse me, is the railway station this way?

Person in street: Oh, ______________________________.

9 / 80

Randy: Hello. I'm Randy.

Scott: Hello Randy. It's _______________ to meet you.

10 / 80

Spencer: Hi Thorsten, how are you?

Thorsten: _________________________

11 / 80

Person at airport: Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a good flight!

Other person at airport: Yes, _________________________. I wish you a good flight, as well.

12 / 80

Thomas: What happened to your knee?

Gerald: Oh, I _______________ off my bike.

13 / 80

Have you ever _______________ anything that wasn't yours?

14 / 80

Mark doesn't like to go to the cinema, but one or two times a year he goes with his wife.

15 / 80

Sam doesn't like to go out dancing, but twice a year he goes with his wife.

16 / 80

I'm an engineer. I work _______________ Siemens.

17 / 80

Angelina: I've heard this song before, but do you know who wrote it?

Mason: I think the song is _______________ Bob Dylan.

18 / 80

Henry: What's that you've got there?

Lain: Oh, it's a book I just bought _______________ my brother. His birthday is next week.

19 / 80

Julie: What have you got there?

Mary: Oh, it's a postcard _______________ my brother.

20 / 80

The first thing I like to do _______________ the morning is have a strong cup of coffee.

21 / 80

Gertrud: Is that your son?

Albert: No, he's the son _______________ my wife's niece.

22 / 80

Dale: What time should I arrive for dinner?

Paige: We'll start dinner at 7:30, and please be _______________ time because we're going out dancing afterwards.

23 / 80

I'm sorry. I hope that I _________________________ you.

24 / 80

What time _______________ up this morning?

25 / 80

Could you drive me to the station? My car _______________ down.

26 / 80

Matilda: Last year you went to Vancouver, didn't you? Where do you plan to spend your holidays this year?

Sabina: That was a great trip last year, but we don't know where we ____________________ this year.

27 / 80

Eric: Would you like to go to brunch with us on Sunday?

Larry: I'd love to, but _______________ my uncle with his computer on Sunday.

28 / 80

I think that by the year 2050, most of the world's people _______________ English.

29 / 80

Sorry I was late today. I promise _______________ on time tomorrow.

30 / 80

When I'm on vacation, what I enjoy _______________ most is relaxing with a good book.

31 / 80

Last week, my cousin applied _______________ a job, but he didn't get it.

32 / 80

The Boss: You can go home early if ___________________________________

33 / 80

If I _______________ enough money I would buy a new car.

34 / 80

My friend, Jerry, bought a house in the country, but he says living in the country is boring. Jerry would have been happier with his decision, if he ______________________________

35 / 80

George Sr. must be very proud how much his son takes _______________ him.

36 / 80

Nobody wanted to work this morning. Everybody was just _________________________.

37 / 80

I don't like my cousin Richard. He thinks he knows everything better, and he's always _________________________.

38 / 80

When I was younger, I was never much _________________________ cards, but now I quite enjoy Bridge.

39 / 80

The boss is ill, so it looks like the quarterly meeting will have to be put _______________ till next month.

40 / 80

I have a great-aunt who lives near Washington D.C. Whenever I'm in the area I like to call _______________ her.

41 / 80

It was so loud in the railway station that I couldn't _______________ what that man was saying.

42 / 80

It sounds like the conference will be very interesting. I'm looking forward _______________ you there.

43 / 80

The children spent the morning _______________ the garden.

44 / 80

The snow had been falling all day: they were over four hours late, and we hadn't heard from them. I was getting worried _______________.

45 / 80

Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. Why don't you relax and _______________ your feet up till then?

46 / 80

Do you find it easy to _______________ decisions?

47 / 80

I'm glad you called! I was getting _______________ worried.

48 / 80

Ruth: You live in Los Angeles now, don't you Fred?

Fred: We did, but we _______________ moved to to San Francisco two years ago.

49 / 80

There's a lecture at the Natural History Museum tomorrow evening on spelunking. If you're _______________ we could go together.

50 / 80

My uncle Harry is quite an _______________ man. He's lived all over the world.

51 / 80

There's a bit of Darjeeling tea left, but I'm afraid there isn't _______________ more Earl Grey, Jean-Luc. You've drunk it all.

52 / 80

May I _______________ some mayonnaise to go with my fries, please?

53 / 80

With a population of around 1 million people, Oslo is the _______________  city in Norway.

54 / 80

I don't know what this word means. Can I _______________ your dictionary for a minute?

55 / 80

Billy: Hey Frank, is everything alright? You looked stressed.

Frank: Yes, I am stressed. I'm not finished with this report and my boss needs it _______________ four this afternoon.

56 / 80

Look at what's in my hand! Can you guess what _______________ is?

57 / 80

One of my best teachers was Mr. Webber. I learned a _______________ deal from him.

58 / 80

Steve: That's the exact laptop that I want. Too bad it's only on sale today. I don't have enough money for it now.

Earl: Well, I can _______________ you the money so you can buy the laptop today. You can pay me back next month.

59 / 80

You must be twins! No one person could have so _______________ problems.

60 / 80

Michelle: Would you like to go to the park with us?

Barry: I'd love to, but I've got _______________ work.

61 / 80

Have you heard that Brian didn't pass his driving test? The poor guy: he's _______________ disappointed.

62 / 80

Why don't you drop by _______________ time? We would like to see you!

63 / 80

I think you'll really like Christopher. He's _______________ a nice guy.

64 / 80

Billy: Hey Reg, we're going out to a restaurant. Do you want to join us?

Reg: I'd love to, but Marilyn just called to say that she'll be late. Someone has to stay here _______________ six, so I guess that's me.

65 / 80

The first summer that I worked as a camp counsellor was hard because I wasn't _________________________ up so early every morning.

66 / 80

I was very sad after my dog died, but in time I _________________________.

67 / 80

Barry: David, this is a surprise! I thought you were in São Paulo.

David: I was there for three months, but I got back last week. I was sorry to leave because I was finally _________________________ Portuguese.

68 / 80

As we grow older, it's only natural for our hair to ____________________.

69 / 80

I'm just going to go to the supermarket and __________ some ice cream for desert.

70 / 80

I'm not sure whether to try and repair my laptop myself or to __________ it repaired by a professional.

71 / 80

Gather around, everyone, and lend me your ____________________. I have an incredible story to tell you.

72 / 80

The boys wanted to know if I would ____________________ them use the boat this weekend.

73 / 80

Porsche didn't want to sit at the front of the classroom, but her teacher _______________ her do it.

74 / 80

I had planned to buy a new smartphone this month, but then I changed my _______________ .

75 / 80

Twenty years ago, it was difficult for me to travel in foreign countries because I _______________ English; but I can manage OK now.

76 / 80

It feels cold in here. _______________ a nice cup of tea to warm you up?

77 / 80

Gretchen: Help yourself to more coffee, Robert.

Robert: Thank you, ______________________________.

78 / 80

The room feels quite warm to me. Would you mind _________________________ the window?

79 / 80

Host: Is there anything you'd like to do while you're visiting?

Visitor: Well, ___________________________________

80 / 80

Randy: Here's your coffee.

Tom: Thank you!

Randy: _________________________

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